
The ReStore has always been a place where you can find building and home improvement supplies for a fraction of retail costs. The staff have come to know so many of our customers, some who are in construction, landscaping, property management but, also those who are makers of things from other things to make interesting things out of things that may or may not be used for its intended purpose. Upcycling is a a very real passion here, and we are continually inspired not only by our customers have done but by our volunteers and staff members as well. The hope for this section of the website is to inspire you. If you’ve done something creative with the use of our products and would like to share, this is the place for you. Or if you’ve outfitted your business with items from here, please share that too. We are a vibrant creative community which should be celebrated. Thank you for all that you do.

If you would like to share your project with us please submit via email.