Rob Bolman, local sustainable artist and longtime, beloved Habitat Restore shopper is no screw-up, but he’s always screwing around, turning Restore recycled material into artistic creations with a social commentary twist!
So, what would you do with 1,000 extra screws? Throw ‘em in the garbage? —
Wait, are you kidding, ya got, a screw loose or something?
Leave them to rust in a forgotten coffee tin in the rain? —
Hang on, hang on, what are you some kind a screwball?
Or, maybe you think, screw it! I’ll donate these extras to the Habitat Restore. –
Yes! Now you have your head screwed on right!
And this is where the magic of recycled art begins…
Head on down to the Restore now through the month of December, 2023 and gaze upon Rob’s A Thousand Screws while “pondering the idea of sustainability” and perhaps you too can pick up a few loose screws for the creation of your own magnum opus.