Thank you to this volunteer at The Toolbox Project for sending in some photos of their lending libraries using ReStore materials. The ReStore has donated tools to this worthy non-profit before. Learn more about The Toolbox Project.

I volunteer at the Eugene ToolBox Project, the non-profit tool lending library here in town. I recently rebuilt the cabinet door on our public bulletin board using a ReStore find for the handle

The original door fell apart due to weather exposure. The new one is bulletproof — cross your fingers.
That cabinet started out as a Little Free Library — also with handles from the ReStore.

but we imagined it would have just DIY/maker books, and it kept being inundated with kids books and romances — and then, too, mostly even the DIY books were going away and never being refreshed. So we just put a corkboard behind the plexiglas a while back.
The astute observer can probably grok that the cabinet is made from recycled street signs.
A gift from a friend of the ToolBox Project, Matt Burney: